Track order

You can find out Tracking Information about your order by simply clicking your Tracking Number in your order account. You can find your Tracking Number by checking the Shipping Confirmation email received from us after the order was fulfilled.

If your tracking number shows as unavailable and couldn't be identified, please understand that everything is alright with your order. This means that your package has just left our warehouse but the tracking number usually updates in 3-5 days when it is at shipping carrier's fulfillment facility.

If you are facing any type of issues during this process, please email our support immediately and ask for more information.

When you purchase multiple products in a single order, please be aware that your products may arrive in more than packages and maybe a few days apart, and this is completely a normal process.

For any questions about this, please visit our shipping policy page for more information and estimated delivery time vary from different shipping options.

Happy shopping on !
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